The Kenyan government has taken security measures after witnessing unusual activity after a pastor from a church invited a white man, impersonating the real Jesus Christ.
The congregation cheerfully welcomed the man who two pastors claimed to have found Jesus, the son of God, walking the land of Kiseria and then invited him to visit his church members.
After a wave of pictures made their way on the internet of a Caucasian male seen wearing a robe, speaking to a large crowd and dancing with them, people were starting to question the reality of Jesus being present on Earth as a regular tourist, not as a thief as he stated in the Bible.

After numerous claims of people saying the man takes offerings from them before performing miracles, Kenya’s government quickly intervene, arrested and deported the white man for convincing believers he was ‘Jesus Christ’, and he ”had finally come back” as he had promised.
The pastor who invited him were also taken into custody for fraud. Below is video proof of the events mentioned above.