Month: August 2015

Lapolis arete yon neg poutet li klike ”LIKE” sou foto ansyen minnaj li ki vyole lòd ”rete lwen’m” fanm nan te plase
April Holland nan Pittston, Pennsylvania te akòde yon lòd nan tribinal kont ansyen konpayon-li, Justin Bellanco, 26, apre swadizan li te chita ap swiv li ak zanmi li yo, epi menm menase l lap tire […]

Manifestation in NY forced the U.S to respond to the start of deportations in the Dominican Republic
The U.S State Department releases a statement regarding the start of deportations taking place in the Dominican Republic. This comes after the Coalition for Human Rights in the Dominican Republic, accompanied by more than fifteen […]

Prezidan Martelly siyal plis betiz pou lè Sweet Micky tounen 2016
Nou fèk koumanse gen pwoblèm Prezidan Martelly retounen ap fè nouvel ankò apre li anonse ke li gen entansyon pou retounen nan mizik apre li fin desann pouvwa a kom prezidan D’Haiti. Pandan l te […]

Pri Lanmou: Yon fanm peye $9 milyon dola pou retire minnaj li nan prizon pou dwòg
Nan Fevriye ki sot pase a, anpil moun anviron Etazini te jwe popilè loto ki rele ”POWERBALL” la. Chans pou Marie Holmes, 26 zan, 4 timoun epi l poukont li te genyen $188 milyon dola loto a. Lè’w fin […]

Mari rele madanm li nan tribunal pou twompe li twompe l ak makiyaj, mande $20,000 pou soufrans sikolojik
Nan jou apre maryaj la, yon nonm Aljeryen reveye jwenn madanm li san makiyaj pou premye fwa. E li pa kontan. Nan menm jou an, mari a rele madanm li nan tribunal, kote li akize […]

Official: Andre Berto faces Floyd Mayweather on 9/12
Who is it going to be? Andre Berto or Floyd Mayweather? Via Instagram, Floyd Mayweather confirmed with an image of Andre Berto as his choice for his final fight that’s going to be live on September […]

Prezidan Federasyon Foutbol Ayisyen an mande 6 milyon goud pou preparasyon eliminatwa Mondyal 2018 La
Daprè sa Doktè Yves Jean Bart, ki se Prezidan Federasyon Foutbòl Ayisyen an di, Seleksyon an ap bezwen 6 milyon goud pou yo fè preparasyon eliminatwa mondyal 2018 lan. Antre 4 Septanm pou 8 Septanm […]

Haitian Police Bust Large Gang Operation In Crois-Des Bouquets, Haiti
PNH BUST! Haitian authorities crack down gang members operation in the town of Crois-Des-Bouquets. Officials have been conducting their own operation since June, part of the Haitian National Police plan to take control of that […]