WOYYFOUT! Blondedy’s mother is UPSET . . . Her and the Holy Ghost teamed up on those who accused her daughter of killing Ti Avril Disip . . . Ladies and Gentlemen, WAP KONN JOJETTE!

October 14, 2016: If you have no idea what’s been going on on Facebook these past couple days, let us catch you up. There is a girl called Ti Avril HMI Diva who is famously known for starting the gay rumors between Klass member Richie and Belkod. Well, something happened to her and she died. As a former friend of Blondedy Ferdinand, Ti Avril allegedly talked bad, snitched info of Blondedy to other friends and enemies. People are saying Blondedy Ferdinand is known to be on every drama on Facebook, so when Ti Avril died, friends of hers goes after Blondedy and blamed, accused her of killing her.

Now Ferdinand’s mother is responding to her daughter’s defense.  She is speaking to two obvious individuals, Stanley Boco, better known as Geraldine and his partner in crime, Grosiro. The two took on social media Live to accuse Blondedy Ferdinand of the death of their friend Ti Avril. They claimed Blondedy know exactly what she did that caused their friend to be no longer with them. After you watch this Live recorded video, we promise you, you will be SHOCKED. Mommy put it down for those idiots. She says they have messed with the wrong person.

Since the video is so long, we’re not going to quote any of what she said but listen for yourself. This is the first we heard from Blondedy since the allegations started and we’re not sure why she decided to bring her mother LIVE on her fan page to defend her. Till now, no one is sure of what’s really going on. Many are questioning if this is a publicity stunt, and is there even a dead body. This is the PHOTO of Ti Avril alleged dead picture. Her mother also accused the two men of taking a picture of the dead body, posted on Facebook, and claimed her daughter is to blame. This is why she and the holy ghost is defending the actress. Share this after you watch this video: