Shocker: Florence El Luche slams Haitian women by saying all have cheating husbands after more criticism over her Love and Hip Hop Miami storylines

SHOCKING remarks from Haitian artist Florence El Luche is stirring major reactions from many Haitians across social media; especially the husbands and wives.

As you may already know, Florence is currently on VH-1’s ‘Love and Hip Hop Miami’ newest season, and ever since, she has been heavily criticized by many fellow Haitians for her behavior on the show.

From the get go, (before the first show was aired) the HMI artist made a controversial claimed that she is “The Queen of Compas” and carried that on every episode of LHHM. As a result , majority of Haitians started expressing their anger about her claim because they say she does not have a Compas song and her decision to go on mainstream television just to have a storyline for the show was a slap on the face for real Compas music singers.

Now after weeks of criticism from fellow Haitians under LHHM Instagram’s posts featuring Florence, with many bashing her on her acting skills and saying she has bad storylines, Florence responded on Monday with this shocking post on her Facebook page stating that “ There is no Haitian woman who does not deal with cheating in their marriage “. Here’s the FULL post below translated from Haitian Creole:

“As strange as it seems, do you know that most Haitian women have storylines for love and hip hop? There is no Haitian woman who does not deal with cheating in their marriage, who is not jealous all the time. If you haven’t dealt with it yet, it’s because you don’t know yet that your husband has other women. It is only if a Haitian woman would marry Jesus that she would have a perfect marriage, without problems. I’m always happy to see people under the show saying fake storyline while their husbands have 3 children outside, their husband be with the maid, they can’t bring a small family to the house, every day they are fighting with other women but they are here oh fake storyline fake storyline. We are bored to death.”

Wkja Rpst/ Florence Dure post