Jocelerme Privert’s message to the nation: “..history remains an instrument of identification and unity…”

Port-au-Prince, Haiti: On this commemoration of the 210th anniversary of the assassination, on October 18, 1806 in Pont-Rouge, Haiti’s interim president Jocelerme Privert addresses the nation with this message:

“In this Oct. 17, 2016, the commemoration of the death of Emperor Jean-Jacques Dessalines brings us to the memory of one of the darkest days of our history at the same time it imposes a break of reflection and meditation on the events of our present and the misadventures of our free and independent people’s fate.

There are 210 years old, in fact, the founding Father of the nation was sacrificed by impious hands on the altar of his passion for freedom and equality, and independence gained on the battlefield, at the price of heroism that has no parallel in the whole world history . The flame of social justice that he wanted to walk around and implementing on the remains of structures and prejudices of the colonial era was extinguished at Red Bridge, in the ignominy of a parricide we do not perhaps have finished atone.

because history remains an instrument of identification and unity, we collect piously this day to honor the memory of a matchless revolutionary, the memory of a martyr to the cause of Haitian masses, loving liberty, equality and prosperity. The man was in his grandiose dream to see the land of Haiti belong, without exception, to all those who had risked their lives to free from the yoke of slavery and colonialism. For him, the abolition of the operating system inevitably entailed the elimination of prejudices color and the social and economic barriers that can hinder community life and fulfillment of all the girls and all the young son nation.

this self-sacrifice and overcoming spirit that animated this great visionary of Santo Domingo student at the highest peak of fame, in the immortal gallery builders of nations and civilizations. It offers our present and future generations the example and lesson from a battle to be fought every day, in a belief that has its roots and its faith in the unity of crucible that is the strength and makes them invincible peoples .

Our Founder taught us patriotic fervor and the Union, enshrined in the facts by his unlikely alliance with General Alexandre Pétion. By this gesture, he had accomplished the founding and generated unbeatable coalition that would lead our ancestors on the peaks of Vertières and radiant dawn of January 1, 1804.