TMZ staffer slams Kanye West after he claims slavery was “a choice”.

Kanye West just can’t watch the words coming out of his mouth. Yet another bold statement from the rapper made this morning on TMZ Live.

Kanye paused to say, ” At one point during The conversation, West said. When you hear about slavery for 400 years, for 400 years? That sound like a choice.”

That’s when Van Lathan from the TMZ News room flips and lets Kanye in on the the definition of what he just said. First Kanye asked him, “Do you feel that I’m being free and I am thinking free?”

What a shocker he is. Kanye can’t be serious about this question. At this point, Lathan felt like he needed to put West in his place.

I actually don’t think you are thinking anything, Lathan said. I think what you are doing right now is the absence of thought. And the reason why I feel like that is because Kanye, you’re entitled to your opinion. You’re entitled to believe whatever you want, but there are fact and real-world, real-life consequence behind everything that you just said. And while you are making music and being an artist and living a life that you’ve earned by being a genius, the rest of us in society have to deal with these threats to our lives.”

We have to deal with the marginalization that has come from the 400 years of slavery that you said for our people was a “choice”.

Lathan did not stop there.

Frankly, I’m disappointed I am appalled, and brother—I am unbelievably hurt by the fact that you have morphed into something to me that isn’t real.”

This is the part of the show from TMZ Live that started it all.

We hope Kanye get some type of treatment for whatever he is suffering from. This news just broke out earlier today, so, we’re not sure of how much effect this will have within his fan base. This post will be updated as more information is received.