Someone robs God’s house . . . A Haitian community church in Northwest Miami was burglarized . . . $40,000 worth is missing!

July 15, 2016: On Tuesday, thieves burglarized the Bethesda Ministry Church on 14120 NW 7th Avenue in Northwest Miami and got away with $30,000 to 40,000 worth of equipments.

When the church showed up for choir practice on Tuesday night, they didn’t expect to walk in on their equipments missing. Someone apparently came in with no signs of forced entry and loaded all of their expensive equiptments, microphones, speakers, guitars and subwoofers. They found one side door left open.

Members of the church couldn’t believe someone could be so heartless to steal from God. Romelito Charles whos is a member told Local 10 News it’t been hard for them. ” When we came in yesterday, everybody was crying because it’s a tough time. We are a church…..That’s the lowest of the low, to steal from a church that really helps the community..Hopefully God will touch their heart and they will at least bring the subwoofer, (or) at least the speakers “, Charles said.

The church have about 300 to 400 members. This video below shows the equipments the thieves got away with: