OEA: Haiti to convert to Dominican Republic’s province VERY SOON!

According to the report of the Organization of American States (OAS), the migration crisis between the Dominican Republic and its neighbor Haiti could be resolved by converting the latter into the 32nd province of the Dominican Republic, according to the source that provided the information that Haiti could have a parliamentary representation of 10 senators in the Senate of the enlarged Dominican Republic, already at this time Haiti is divided into 10 departments (in French départements), 41 districts (in Frencharrondissements) and 133 communes.

These departments belonged to the three original provinces of the colonial Saint-Domingue, which were North, South, and West. Under Toussaint L’Ouverture, the provinces became departments. The Nippes department was created in 2003 after a division of the department of Grand’Anse.
That solution would be consulted in a plebiscite to the Dominican people that in a period no longer than 5 months would make the decision. All the conditions would be explained at the United Nations next week.