HMI artists start their plan B . . . Fans now have to ‘PAY-PER-VIEW’ to see them online amid Coronavirus

The damages from Covid-19 continue to add up as the light at the of the tunnel still invisible for so many. Since the Coronavirus has taken control of everyone’s life, many are making a few adjustments to their normal activity.

Many artists across the Haitian Music Industry, or the HMI, are now looking to charge fans to watch them online through a Pay-Per-View service to keep themselves stimulated. This comes after the virus has shut down all musical events due to the social distancing order imposed by government officials to fight the spread of the pandemic.

The other day, Compas group Kreyol La started a virtual concerts and asked fans to donate while watching them perform on the live stream. While some donated to their Pay-Per-View plan, many took on social media to complain about the timing of such movement. ”Right now, we don’t know how we’re going to keep up with bills and they want people to send them our savings”, one fan posted on Facebook. People are now debating if the group really did raise over $50,000 donated to build a hospital in Haiti.


Band group Klass also jumped in the PPV wagon. They recently released this flyers for their upcoming virtual party (bal).

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