Haitian singer RUTSHELLE undergoes body fat removal procedure….NOW she actually have some curves (sexy Pic)

The Haitian Music Industry star singer Rutshelle Guillaume recently came from the body shop and she’s now looking brand new after undergoing a procedure to remove body fats.

Even KAI’s Richard Cave who Rutshelle featured in a song with takes notice of the co-singer hot new figure: ”In the last days, I see Rutshelle is very sexy” Cave said in his Facebook post. The two always continue to be criticized as being a secret couple since their duo song ”Cancer” on Kai’s last album. That’s because during every performance of that song, Rutshelle and Richard be getting a little too ‘get a room’ vibe. If you know what we mean!

Rutshelle surrender her body to Dr. Jean Jacques Carre, practicing in Port-Au-Prince. He Thanked Guillaume for her support after trying out his VanquishMe fat reduction machine back in early September. The procedure was a success and you bet RuRu had to show off her new curves she never had before. She’s actually looking fabulous, and you know how we, at Wap Konn Joj feel about the leadr in cheater back in Roody Roodboy’s days. If you were Roody, you’d be very regretful right now…..me tooo.

Here’s what Rutshelle looked like before the surgery or fat removal procedure. Whatever you want to call it:

This is the doctor behind the miracle operation. He is Dr Jean Jacques Carre of Dermatologist Clinic in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti.