Haitian artist who responded to Don Kato’s Carnival ”SEXY PENTAD” by dropping his own ” KIYES KI PAT PENTAD?” was ATTACKED in Hollywood Florida by Kato’s POSSE _ He’s thinking about PRESSING CHARGES against the Haiti Senator

Members believed to be from the Don Kato’s gang are accused of attacking Haitian singer artist Bamarassa at a South Florida nightclub. We received information from a trusted source that says Bamarassa was the Hollywood […]


We are not trying to start no drama _ but this is disturbing _ Haiti Clinic hires Rutshelle to do a condom commercial _ We don’t know about you BUT we think they are trying to tell her something _ Come listen to Rutshelle’s SEX advice (VIDEO)

A company called Village Sante in Haiti just released their safe sex advertising featuring Rutshelle Guillaume advising potential sex addicts to always use a condom.  In it, the woman Roody Roodboy had accused of cheating […]